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I'm serious ... Ngaku alone, I missed the train this is.
Imagine ...
I started with Ubuntu 6.06-LTS since Drapper Drake, 6:10 Edgy EFT, start using (dualboot) since 7:04 and 7:10 Feisty Fawn Gutsy Gibbon, but actually a new use for work since 8.04-LTS Hardy Heron, 8:10 Intrepid Ibex, and 9:04 Jaunty Jackalope (although I still like Mandriva). Only in the final release of the release-I not only upgrade (this is thanks to the motivation and assistance accidentally mas real Riyogarta). Begitupun, many of which I know not at all. Not because of anything, it may be because my brain is too slow to think that the progress is too fast. Moreover, it is too long poisoned window.
When I use Hardy Heron, I started using the bluetooth modem connection to MEdia Net pledge internet (dialup). Playing KPPP, Gnome PPP and wvdial to start. When the switch Intrepid Ibex, I was initially difficult mengkoneksikan dialup modem via bluetooth, although not long and can be overcame thanks to the help Kurnia, Bengawan blogger who is also a member KPLI Solo. Not yet felt the old comfort, come again Jaunty Jackalope. First I confused, I do not have wvdialnya, but live search other Internet connection, enter the terminal, type sudo apt-get install wvdial, beres deh ...
(dance) (banana_cool) (banana_rock)
Nah ... I recently got a loan MEdia Net Sony Ericsson K510i. Is quite long! phone only, not triji. But can be used as a modem via either blututnya via USB cable or default. In Windows, via the cable connection is working after install drivernya CD is in default as well.
Fad, I am content with the Flash card, then on again and the data cable from the SE K510i that I try colokin in the USB port on my laptop seleyon that is pro-jaunty jackalope. Tuiiiinggggg ...
When I click "configure" options appear and state provider is used. Of course I select Indonesia, and because the cards used in the SE K510i is subscribed Flash Card Hello, I select as Telkomsel providernya.
Up to here has konak can connect directly, but I try intip setingannya-nge with the right-click the network connection icon in the top panel, click the edit connection again.
There are several options there, Wired, Wireless, Mobile Broadband, VPN, and DSL. Settingan Telkomsel in Mobile Broadband. I only adjust the username and password, all I kosongi according to the instructions I get the first subscribed Flash. Dialing can numbernya * 99 #, can also *** 99 * 1 #, APN will be the Internet, can also Telkomsel.
And, I try to connect to the Internet with a network connection and click the icon - I click the top of Telkomsel. I do not know why there are two types of modems on the SE K510i. Later, when I check in Windows, also appeared to have two. I use one main thing that can ...:-D
Ops ... out-click on the warning appeared to have more, so of course I just persilahkan
Yeach ... I apologize if I submit too detailed. I am sure, many of sedulur sekaliyan a far more familiar. However, this is what I experienced. In fact many things so easy in Linux.
Because so easy and I did not realize it (I usually take the path that is more difficult, with pro-wvdial in the terminal), I merunut reverse way internet connection (dialup) in the previous release of Ubuntu. I use the Live CD / Installer for Ubuntu 8:04, 8:10, and 9:04.
This is my observation results: (funkydance)
Linux Ubuntu 8.04-Hardy Heron LTS: wvdial available, mobile broadband connection is not available.
Linux Ubuntu 8:10 Intrepid Ibex: wvdial and mobile broadband connection available.
Ubuntu Linux 9:04 Jaunty Jackalope: wvdial is not available, mobile broadband connection available.
See also utak asyik touch:
Pareja Endar in Smart Modem Settings in Ubuntu 8:10.
Mas Iqbal in Internet Connection in Ubuntu via Bluetooth Handphone.
Some have other interesting experiences
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